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Usage example


  • A Kubernetes cluster with the operator installed using helm, kubectl or kind (for local development).
  • A Kubernetes Secret with an Aiven authentication token.
kind: Clickhouse
  name: my-clickhouse
    name: aiven-token
    key: token

    name: my-clickhouse
      foo: bar
      baz: egg

    env: test
    instance: foo

      - network:
        description: bar
      - network:

  project: my-aiven-project
  cloudName: google-europe-west1
  plan: startup-16

  maintenanceWindowDow: friday
  maintenanceWindowTime: 23:00:00

Apply the resource with:

kubectl apply -f example.yaml

Verify the newly created Clickhouse:

kubectl get clickhouses my-clickhouse

The output is similar to the following:

Name             Project             Region                 Plan          State      
my-clickhouse    my-aiven-project    google-europe-west1    startup-16    RUNNING    

To view the details of the Secret, use the following command:

kubectl describe secret my-clickhouse

You can use the jq to quickly decode the Secret:

kubectl get secret my-clickhouse -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'

The output is similar to the following:

    "CLICKHOUSE_HOST": "<secret>",
    "CLICKHOUSE_PORT": "<secret>",
    "CLICKHOUSE_USER": "<secret>",
    "CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD": "<secret>",


Clickhouse is the Schema for the clickhouses API.

Exposes secret keys



  • apiVersion (string). Value
  • kind (string). Value Clickhouse.
  • metadata (object). Data that identifies the object, including a name string and optional namespace.
  • spec (object). ClickhouseSpec defines the desired state of Clickhouse. See below for nested schema.


Appears on Clickhouse.

ClickhouseSpec defines the desired state of Clickhouse.


  • plan (string, MaxLength: 128). Subscription plan.
  • project (string, Immutable, Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$, MaxLength: 63). Identifies the project this resource belongs to.


  • authSecretRef (object). Authentication reference to Aiven token in a secret. See below for nested schema.
  • cloudName (string, MaxLength: 256). Cloud the service runs in.
  • connInfoSecretTarget (object). Secret configuration. See below for nested schema.
  • connInfoSecretTargetDisabled (boolean, Immutable). When true, the secret containing connection information will not be created, defaults to false. This field cannot be changed after resource creation.
  • disk_space (string, Pattern: (?i)^[1-9][0-9]*(GiB|G)?$). The disk space of the service, possible values depend on the service type, the cloud provider and the project. Reducing will result in the service re-balancing. The removal of this field does not change the value.
  • maintenanceWindowDow (string, Enum: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday). Day of week when maintenance operations should be performed. One monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc.
  • maintenanceWindowTime (string, MaxLength: 8). Time of day when maintenance operations should be performed. UTC time in HH:mm:ss format.
  • projectVPCRef (object). ProjectVPCRef reference to ProjectVPC resource to use its ID as ProjectVPCID automatically. See below for nested schema.
  • projectVpcId (string, MaxLength: 36). Identifier of the VPC the service should be in, if any.
  • serviceIntegrations (array of objects, Immutable, MaxItems: 1). Service integrations to specify when creating a service. Not applied after initial service creation. See below for nested schema.
  • tags (object, AdditionalProperties: string). Tags are key-value pairs that allow you to categorize services.
  • technicalEmails (array of objects, MaxItems: 10). Defines the email addresses that will receive alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability. See below for nested schema.
  • terminationProtection (boolean). Prevent service from being deleted. It is recommended to have this enabled for all services.
  • userConfig (object). OpenSearch specific user configuration options. See below for nested schema.


Appears on spec.

Authentication reference to Aiven token in a secret.


  • key (string, MinLength: 1).
  • name (string, MinLength: 1).


Appears on spec.

Secret configuration.


  • name (string, Immutable). Name of the secret resource to be created. By default, it is equal to the resource name.


  • annotations (object, AdditionalProperties: string). Annotations added to the secret.
  • labels (object, AdditionalProperties: string). Labels added to the secret.
  • prefix (string). Prefix for the secret's keys. Added "as is" without any transformations. By default, is equal to the kind name in uppercase + underscore, e.g. KAFKA_, REDIS_, etc.


Appears on spec.

ProjectVPCRef reference to ProjectVPC resource to use its ID as ProjectVPCID automatically.


  • name (string, MinLength: 1).



Appears on spec.

Service integrations to specify when creating a service. Not applied after initial service creation.



Appears on spec.

Defines the email addresses that will receive alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability.


  • email (string). Email address.


Appears on spec.

OpenSearch specific user configuration options.


  • additional_backup_regions (array of strings, MaxItems: 1). Deprecated. Additional Cloud Regions for Backup Replication.
  • ip_filter (array of objects, MaxItems: 2048). Allow incoming connections from CIDR address block, e.g. See below for nested schema.
  • private_access (object). Allow access to selected service ports from private networks. See below for nested schema.
  • privatelink_access (object). Allow access to selected service components through Privatelink. See below for nested schema.
  • project_to_fork_from (string, Immutable, Pattern: ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$, MaxLength: 63). Name of another project to fork a service from. This has effect only when a new service is being created.
  • public_access (object). Allow access to selected service ports from the public Internet. See below for nested schema.
  • recovery_basebackup_name (string, Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_:.+]+$, MaxLength: 128). Name of the basebackup to restore in forked service.
  • service_log (boolean). Store logs for the service so that they are available in the HTTP API and console.
  • service_to_fork_from (string, Immutable, Pattern: ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$, MaxLength: 64). Name of another service to fork from. This has effect only when a new service is being created.
  • static_ips (boolean). Use static public IP addresses.


Appears on spec.userConfig.

CIDR address block, either as a string, or in a dict with an optional description field.


  • network (string, MaxLength: 43). CIDR address block.


  • description (string, MaxLength: 1024). Description for IP filter list entry.


Appears on spec.userConfig.

Allow access to selected service ports from private networks.


  • clickhouse (boolean). Allow clients to connect to clickhouse with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations.
  • clickhouse_https (boolean). Allow clients to connect to clickhouse_https with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations.
  • clickhouse_mysql (boolean). Allow clients to connect to clickhouse_mysql with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations.
  • prometheus (boolean). Allow clients to connect to prometheus with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations.

Appears on spec.userConfig.

Allow access to selected service components through Privatelink.



Appears on spec.userConfig.

Allow access to selected service ports from the public Internet.


  • clickhouse (boolean). Allow clients to connect to clickhouse from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network.
  • clickhouse_https (boolean). Allow clients to connect to clickhouse_https from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network.
  • clickhouse_mysql (boolean). Allow clients to connect to clickhouse_mysql from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network.
  • prometheus (boolean). Allow clients to connect to prometheus from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network.